All Are Welcome
Whatever your present status in the Catholic Church, whatever your current family or marital situation, whatever your past or present religious affiliation, whatever your personal history, age, background, or race, whatever your own self-image or esteem, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at the Sacred Heart Parish.
On behalf of all the parishioners and staff of the Sacred Heart Parish, it is a pleasure to welcome you to our faith community!
It is our hope that you will feel the welcome hospitality of Jesus in our midst. Indeed, our parish mission is to be a living expression of Jesus Christ, building up His Kingdom by living His Good News. As you peruse the pages of our website, we hope that you will find evidence that we do indeed work hard toward this goal giving witness to Him and thus spreading the message of love that He left us as His everlasting gift. If you are new to our parish community, we look forward to meeting you.
Sacred Heart Church
Weekend Masses
Saturday 5:15 pm
Sunday 9:00 am and 11:15am
Weekday Masses
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:10pm
Holy Cross Church
Weekend Masses
Saturday 4:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 Gospel Mass, 12:00 Noon Polish Mass
Weekday Masses
Monday, Thursday & Friday at 8:00 am
New Member? The Parish Registration Form
Please take this opportunity to send us an email or make a call to our parish office (609) 393-2801 to say hello. We are most anxious to welcome you personally to our community.